As of , the number of Americans Missing and Unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War is 1,573.
The National League of Families of American Prisoners & Missing in Southeast Asia
U.S. Air Force Lt. Col.
Donald William Downing
Date of Identification: 12/20/2024
U.S. Air Force Sgt
David S. Price
Date of Identification: 6/21/2024
U.S. Army Warrant Officer
Albert R. Trudeau
Date of Identification: 9/11/2024
U.S. Air Force Major
John C.G. Kerr
Date of Identification: 4/24/2024
(Click the Document to Zoom-In/Download)
League Brochure
POW/MIA Accounting Mission - Feb 2025
Vietnam's Ability to Account
for Missing - Feb 2025
POW/MIA Flag Protocol
Missing Man Table Protocol
The League is always seeking photos of POW/MIA flags, monuments, Missing Man Honors Tables, and POW/MIA empty chairs from your community to feature on our social media pages and website.
Sharing with us is easy, just send your photos via direct message to the League’s Facebook page or email us at national.league@pow-miafamiles.org with a brief description of when & where the photo was taken. All proper credits will be given.
Planning on holding a public awareness rally, dedication, or other event?
Please shoot us a message at national.league@pow-miafamiles.org or call our office and you may be eligible to make it on our calendar!
An activist, based in Washington State, showed shocking ignorance and disdain for the service of the tens of thousands Americans still missing and unaccounted for from our Nation's wars and conflicts going back to WWII. The National League of POW/MIA Families is deeply grateful to Mayor Robert Clark for defending these heroes.
An incredibly encouraging article from the good people at the Dayton Daily News.
"The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency’s forensic lab in Hawaii has begun analyzing dozens of human remains retrieved from Laos and the Philippines in recent weeks. During a remembrance ceremony Wednesday in Vientiane, Laos, the agency received remains that might be those of U.S. personnel lost there during the Vietnam War."
To read the full article, click the link below.
“The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency unveiled its 2025 National POW/MIA Recognition Day poster during a ceremony held at the start of its Family Member Update, Feb. 22.”
Link for more information is below.
On February 13, Reynolds County was recognized by the Jefferson Barracks POW/MIA Museum and awarded designation as a POW/MIA County. This program recognizes municipalities that honor and recognize all who served our country in any branch of the United States military who were captured by enemies of the United States or who are missing in action from any year and from any conflict. Full story is below. ↓
A pivotal moment in history that laid the foundation for Operation Homecoming and led to the return of numerous Vietnam War POWs.
As the National League of POW/MIA Families, we honor this day not only to remember the agreement signed on January 27, 1973, but also to renew our commitment to the accounting mission. Despite the POW repatriation called for in the accords, 1,573 families of Vietnam War servicemen and civilians still await answers about their missing loved ones. We continue to fight for the fullest possible accounting, urging our government to keep its commitment to do their best to bring home these Vietnam War heroes. -
The mission of Healing Through History Inc. is to bridge the knowledge gap left by the Vietnam War, providing families a profound understanding of their loved ones' experiences during that tumultuous period. Through extensive research and meticulously crafted healing journeys, we aim to shine a light on the locations, events, and moments that shaped their family members' service in Vietnam.
Recently Healing Through History Inc.had a breakthrough when it comes to their ability to capture war-time imaging, to learn more about this organization, click the link below ↓↓↓ -
Between Feb. 12 and April 4, 1973, U.S Air Force C-141 Starlifters flew 54 missions into Hanoi, North Vietnam, to pick up 591 American prisoners of war captured by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. Called Operation Homecoming, the Air Force shuttled the former POWs first to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines, then to military hospitals before finally returning home to American soil.
It wasn't long before all 591 erstwhile prisoners were formally invited to the White House for the largest formal dinner and party ever held by any commander in chief. The event had a total guest list of more than 1,300 that included movie stars Bob Hope, John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart, along with performances by Sammy Davis Jr., Irving Berlin and Vic Damone. The party was such a spectacle that it was broadcast live on ABC.